This “CHANGE” in the paradigm to explore quality stocks may bring volatility and relaying on MNC stocks will emerge apart from supporting the proven established Corporate Houses. The quality IT stocks may get more business and the promoter worthiness will bring business and valuation as premium.
The Nifty is at the cross roads as it could face the slaughtering by Bears with various rumors. The Nifty fell from 3150 level to 2810 level due to Satyam fiasco and doubting the other published high rise accounts. The Nifty has to cross 2950 level to mitigate the damage done. The bottom fishing is good for MNC stocks to get advantage of a feel good factors circulating as if they are more sagacious and unadulterated.
The RIL is very weak and good above 1221-23 level but bundled with resistance points as scales up, immediate major resistance at 1245-51 level. The ONGC is good above 695-97 level but has support at 646-51level The ICICI bank has no tags attached to this Satyam tale but the exposure to credit cards and advances were not disclosed yet. The stock enjoys criticism and controversies corner it now and then is good above 485 level but the resistance may come at 497-98 level. Incase the low breaches 434 and close below 439 then it will face the blistered Bear beating. The SBI is good above 1275 and weak below 1240 level. The Relcap is good above 528-36 level as the Nifty inclusion is w.e.f-12th Jan.
The sudden weakness a head of this mess saved Bharti bounced back to 640 level from 610 region to save Nifty could find buyers above 658-661 level other wise the story is no different. The RCOM is good above 208 and weak bellow 195.
The DLF signals to all Bears are clear as the Buy back corned them could save if it trades above 205-203 level and the ardent Bears sell below 195. The FII are exiting the infra and construction stocks may weaken the market and it will hurt the sentiment.
There is every possibility that the GOI may come with more stringent Corporate Governance laws and powers to Independent Directors along with responsibilities.
An article in the Business-Standard covered as……
Merrill, IL&FS sold shares in nick of time
BS Reporter / Mumbai January 11, 2009, 0:41 IST
Days before B Ramalinga Raju admitted to fraud, a handful of financial
services companies, including DSP Merrill Lynch, IL&FS Financial Services
and Deutsche Bank’s non-banking finance company, sold Satyam Computer Services
shares pledged with them. IL&FS Trust Company, which was warehousing them on behalf of the lenders, permitted the lenders to sell the shares.
According to information available from the National Stock Exchange, IL&FS Trust
Company sold 14.89 million shares between December 24 and January 2. On December 24, 2008, IL&FS Trust Company permitted sale of 6.05 million shares at Rs 120.09 each, while another 4.41 million shares were sold at Rs 139.83 five days
later. The trust let go of a further 4.43 million shares at Rs 176 on January 2,
2009 – five days before Raju’s revelations……………………
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Have you ever wondered what the moon really is? The earth's moon is a beautiful sphere that symbolically represents many things to many different people. The American Natives see a leaping rabbit on the moon, not a face, and therefore fertility, as the lunar cycle of 28 days, and 13 moons a year, coincides with a woman's reproductive cycle.
Science tells us that all moons in our solar system lack illumination from within, but are powerful reflectors of the sun's light. The satellites that orbit the earth function in much the same manner. Our moon is meant no disrespect by the fact that it does not produce its own light. The moon plays a great part in bringing light to the earth during dark nights, exerting gravity upon the waters of the earth, marking planting cycles, and inspiring poetic verse and music. The moon's monthly transformation . . . from the silver sliver of new, to half, to full and the often larger than reality full rising moon of autumn, adds beauty and illumination to sky and earth.
The purpose of pointing out that light does not originate from the moon is that an analogy can be made with numerous human beings with whom we must interact on a daily basis. Many dazzling or charismatic characters have great influence over others, ourselves sometimes included. Yet, despite their dynamic personalities, most of them are lit up superficially, having no inner light of their own.
Most Gentle Survivalists are kind souls who have achieved a positive attitude and forgiving nature through much inner work, yet these same qualities can be the weak links in our armor against evil and opportunistic behavior. Too many of us tend to see the world in black and white and want to believe the best about people who appear to be trying to better themselves or who might offer us a helping hand or great opportunity.
Perhaps instead of seeing people as good or bad, we need to begin acknowledging a third group . . . the "Tricksters." Tricksters have the appearance of goodness that enables them to take advantage of others, taking all they can get, legally or illegally. These folks live through their possessions and material wealth means a great deal to them, although they may affect a humble, self-effacing attitude. It is not the mugger in the alley or other obvious shady characters we need to fear, for we have learned their ways. Disguised with charming manners and a smiling countenance, real danger lurks in an overly solitious new acquaintance who offers friendship easily . . . and just as easily withdraws it. Tricksters have two faces - one that smiles when we are helping to further their agenda, and another that turns cold when we can no longer support their projects or need financial help ourselves.
The following identifying markers will help alert people to the presence of "Tricksters":
A. Being insecure, yet proud, they will talk badly about other people, trying to get you to agree. They recount stories of personal success, but are stingy with praise for others.
B. Most of their waking hours are consumed with schemes for making money with the least amount of effort.
C. They have few, if any, real friends. These people are afraid to get close to anyone they can't completely control, for fear their deceptive nature will be uncovered. It may seem they are offering friendship and help, but it is only a mirage, acted out to gain one's confidence. Does confidence/con-man ring a bell?
D. They are excellent self-promoters, and have an exaggerated sense of their place in the eternal plan . . . delusions of Grandeur . . . and believe their calling is above that of others.
E. Except for sarcastic wit and put-down jokes, they lack a sense of humor, and almost never laugh at themselves.
F. They concentrate great energy on presenting an image of competence. Everything is done for show and the admiration of others. Their homes feel cold and empty, even when decorated with expensive art and creative furnishings.
G. They lack the "nurturing instinct." Most of the care they provide derives from a sense of responsibility imposed by society's expectations.
H. They often live through their children, trying to mold them in their image and disregarding the child's individuality.
I. Their most miserable moments are when they are low on cash and their happiest are those spent with newly acquired possessions or money itself.
J. They have a knack for borrowing money or getting people to give them something valuable for a small down-payment and big promises.
K. They cannot brook criticism, even constructive, and their authority must never be questioned.
L. Not always, but more often than not, they are fitness oriented, as they need to maintain their image. This interest in appearing fit usually has little to do with good health. This emphasis on outward appearance may include such health destroying practices as fad diets, over-consumption of alcohol instead of food, strict starvation diets, and often bulimia.
M. They love to talk, but only listen to find personal weaknesses or flaws in those with whom they converse, which can be used to their advantage at some future time, i.e., blackmail.
N. They love to draw up and sign agreement contracts as a way to help "protect" you.
O. Believing themselves above the law, they circumvent as many regulations as possible to cut operating costs.
P. They lie, or tell half-truths, and evade direct questions.
Q. They underpay their workers, employ illegal aliens, keep employees on part-time status to avoid tax and insurance costs, and lie on their tax returns.
R. They "lure" people into money making schemes and partnerships to separate them from their money, and are adept at discarding folks who are no longer useful to them or have been sucked dry.
S. They use relatives and friends to do work they would otherwise have to pay professionals for.
T. They are cold, calculating, litigious, and rarely accept responsibility for failure. They act from their mindless ambition, seldom from their heart.
U. Spouses and children are controlled financially as well as emotionally. Their work and business are always more important than family time. Money is their first priority.
V. They are expert at blaming and putting others down to make themselves look good.
W. They are filled with fear, instead of light, and are overly concerned about security arrangements, their own well being, and naturally, their own eventual death.
X. If they own pets, they are usually expensive "show pieces," pedigreed animals, even wolf hybrids, a sad mix if ever there was one. Such animals often suffer emotional neglect, becoming either lonely, depressed, or vicious guard dogs.
Y. You can never trust them completely. They wear you out, mentally and emotionally with plans, schemes, gossip, and inside information.
Z. You can't relax around them as they are never truly happy or relaxed themselves, and always have a new "trick" or moneymaking project up their sleeves.
Not all tricksters display all of the above characteristics, but enough of them to be recognizable when we sit down to analyze their behavior. Why are we so often mesmerized by their dazzling reflections when our common sense should be flashing yellow warning lights before our eyes? Perhaps it is because these tricksters are adepts at using our own character weaknesses, manifestations of ego, and lack of suspiciousness to their own advantage. Sometimes we are just too stressed and preoccupied to listen to warning messages coming from deep within.
It is a matter of survival that we listen to the Spirit, evaluate our own motives, and use wisdom when beginning new ventures with new people. It is not character weakness or negativity on our part to check a person's references or past history before developing a relationship. Neither is it cold nor ruthless to terminate a developing relationship when we sense we are the "main course" on their menu.
Determining the source of the light that illuminates our new charismatic acquaintance's countenance is only common sense . . . something that is not so common anymore. Without the basic survival instinct of common sense, we may be lured like moths to the Trickster's moon-like brilliance and possible loss, damage or emotional destruction.
The scriptures state: Pray always. If we carry a prayer in our heart at all times, asking for the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, otherwise known as the Holy Ghost, we will be open to the light of truth and be able to see these Tricksters for the danger they are before they cause too much damage.
- A lie is any communication given with the intent to deceive.
- Elder Marvin J. Ashton
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