Saturday, October 18, 2008

The trimmed excesses….

The markets are bound to rise as they fell. This is a natural phenomena inevitably happens whether some body likes or not.

The concern at this hour is “how fast and by what time?”. This is the common question lingering in every investors mind. Now just imagine some body met with an accident and was admitted in a hospital, placed in intensive care. Then the question will be of What?. Whether it is survival or surprise on the happening?. Then every body will accept with joy that the patient is alive and will be discharged soon after surgery and due care. The same situation is happened to the financial markets across the globe, all are hospitalized, some are in ICU, surviving on Govt. intervention and some are in specialists care.

So my sincere request to investors is to for get reading the daily news of financial happening unless you prefer to be a day/swing trader. The best thing is keep averaging to the limit some body can, enjoy dreaming the golden days that are being manifested.

The only trouble with the recent young investors is the very nature demanding the high valuations that were there and as a matter of fact they paid for the boom.
Now the situation is quiet different, the excess valuations of high P/E valuations above 50 were gone and the realist levels of 9-14 are ruling.

So adjust to the reality and accept the truth, keep on investing in companies that delivered high rate of growth over 3-4 years.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A ray of hope….

I think that the Indian markets are very close to bottom out for time being at least. The stocks are showing resilience to move down in-spite of the best efforts by the Bears.

As posted yesterday the infrastructure stocks are finding buyers at the lower levels. There was a clear hope down the line for next two years we are likely to manage and may cross the previous highs based on our internal consumption despite of the global turmoil that we see now.

The crude is falling, metals plummet gives a scope to ease the fall in inflation. The central govt. likely to announce more investor friendly investments norms and the FII inflow will start coming back to India after Jan-09.

But for now the markets yester day recovered on the back of short covering and some kind of buying at the bottom. The worst is not over as the stocks like HUL, LT, BHEL, HDFC, HDFC Bank, SBI and Bharti have not tasted the Bear beating. So Nifty likely to see some lower levels but it won’t hurt as the most already lost their value.

The Nifty likely to cross the 3660 level and may touch the resistance at 3930-3885 level in the coming months. The next fall will complete the bear hammering and the Bulls will take charge. At this time it looks like a joke as it was looked impossible to see a downward move when the indices climbing from 5800 to 6200 level.

The retail investors always FIXED ON THE WRONG SIDE, because of the PRICE LURING while moving up and FEAR OF LOSS while falling down. The markets always provide enough chance to make money but we tend to be ignorant to catch the opportunity. So it is not the BEST PRICE that is IMPORTANT to buy a STOCK but the RIGHT TIME to buy is very important.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worrying worries….

The situation at India is not worsen but accepting the troubles of the big brother-US. The markets are adjusting to the ground realities whether we like it or not.
The situation at India is also worsening due the redemption pressure as the markets are plunging day after day with out a relief.
The Nifty has been testing its bottom support as it deeper than the expectations of the most. As discussed yester day, the Nifty immediate support at 3365-80 was taken out yesterday and the closing was much below the level. The Indian markets are used to follow the US and other markets when they are in bull mode but now going a head while in down turn.

The markets will be considered stabilized when the Reliance high crosses 1750 and closes above 1685 level. The earlier discussed level to ONGC is still valid-it has to cross the 1020 level and trade above 960 levels to see the down trend halted. The Nifty has to cross the 3680 level to see the down turn put a halt. The real estate and the infra structure stocks are being in accumulation mode even at this disparate situation.

The stocks like Rel Cap and HDFC are being beaten down and will be continued due to their exposure to Mutual funds business, now a drag to pull up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The doubts in …..

The markets were in doubt about the concerns in the liquidity situation and the redemption pressure. Till date every body said they are sitting in cash and can grab the opportunity but the situations changed to a different dimension- CASH CRUNCH. The global situation for now came to a halt but the internal situation is brewing to worse.

The markets got resistance as expected yesterday at 3640-60 range, the high touched at 3648.25. Now the immediate support was at 3365-80 level on the down side and Nifty has to trade above 3650 level to see the down trend in our markets to take a halt.

The last night US markets and now the Asian markets are shedding the gain from the rally experienced two days back. The situation here can no different from them. The NBFCs are selling shares pledged; the FIIs are continuous to enjoy selling at this distressed levels may cap the up side rally.

The Nifty has to trade above 3570 levels for a buying, but the resistance was at 3534-38 level. The supports existed at 3460 level which may not hold but the 3441-33 level may come to rescue.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is the worst is over?

The global financial jitters are over as the govt. intervention is timely and enough to bail out the ailing institutions.
The markets across the globe are in green and enjoying the investor support for the blue-chip stocks. The Indian markets are also likely to continue to enjoy the up move.

Now the crude oil is down, inflation is receding the equities will offer good returns to investors from here. But the markets may fall once again after the shorts are covered and the move to big leap will be originated from 3000-2900 level.

This up move may take the Nifty to 3660-40 level as the Reliance, ONGC, RPL, LT and HDFC are not fully participated.