Sunday, April 29, 2007

Free, free.. every thing is free,..

Now we are in a world of offerings with big slogans stating “Free, free.. every thing free,.. absolutely free”. In spite of the fact that we all know “Nothing comes free” we tend to pay attention. I know some people, you may also know that many people lost their money, time and even lives in Stock Markets. The market operates on most competitive and professionalized battle field with bulls and bears fighting to gain control. The stock market is no exception to float free advices, free recommendations and free services. All losers blame the market for the loss incurred/debacle but not his /her greed and lack of common sense in accepting “that Free”. We should accept that advice as a piece of information but not as a mandate but we get trapped in emotion.
Most of the recommendations are sponsored ones to bring/ prepare scapegoats. Most of the recommendations come only after they acquired sizable quantity in that stock and then they release the “targets”. Initially for some time they also buy so that the recommendation gets some weight-age and then they make us as liquidity creators for their offloading. Never forget to understand the “motives” of the person offering the recommendation.
The stock market is a business place neither anything comes free no anybody do business for a loss. All kinds of people come to stock market to become rich by their talents but not to make the other person rich. There could some genuine “Suggestions” but not “Recommended Targets”.
Please provide time to do your home work; as the market is most dynamic “no one” can be right every time and all the time, understand what deals you make and the response from the market. There is nothing wrong in paying reasonable price for “gaining the most required experience” of “what not to do in the market”. Never accept any recommendation blindly, including mine. Try to apply your judgment, think twice before coming to a conclusion on your investments.Free your self from the FREE….No “one” can win the Market but every body can run along with the market. Try to be in the winners club and sail along with the wind to make the journey simple and beautiful. Have a great successful and gainful journey. Good Luck.

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