Saturday, May 12, 2007

You like it or not it happens!

As posted on 5th May, a solid move could be possible with strong bottom building, could be possible when market touches a low of 3980 range, which happened on 11th May. The global weakness provided an opportunity to bulls, opened a 60 point negative gap but bounced back immediately. The day traders might have experienced the heat of volatility with a run up from the days low to break the highs with in half an hour of early trades.
The market touched a high of 4094 and immediately the beating of 'bears on bulls' stared with hard blows, could drag to a level of 4020 range in May series but the vigor of bulls to win, made the Nifty to trade above the safe levels at 4073 ( May 5th Post). These volatile moves made the pulse rate high to many who held positions against the move, beyond conviction the hard battle is on-‘either you participate or not Or you like it or not’- it happens when the fight is fierce until one party surrenders.

As of now it seems that bears need to take a long rest for some time by covering their positions on Monday and Tuesday as the run up of Nifty above 4117 increases. The strength of bulls increases day after day as the resistance levels are crossed. The check mate to ‘Bulls’ at 4175 range has to be crossed with in two days from now.

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