Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The bears are making in………roads?.

The volatility is not because of the expiry of the July but the preparation for a deep cut on the face of bulls by the bears. The bulls give their best effort to save the move intact. The bears were cornered in a classic trap from 4280 level on June expiry.
As posted earlier, the Nifty has good support at 4140 level, as it traded 40 trading sessions. As the markets matured and ripe for the downturn, the volatility can be observed as the low cut and high cut is a common phenomenon before a steep fall.
The short term is good for shorts, Nifty may face resistance at 4635-39 level and likely to touch 4273-75 level by mid August. Incase failed to hold then it will touch 4078-75 level which the market missed to touch before it could leap to this level. (Read earlier posts)
Camps kept me out to update.

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