Monday, August 27, 2007

The world is Positive!

The world indices are running on bulls support. The positive cues can be extended to India also. The expiry of August will bring some volatility more than the normal.
The Nifty has recovered 190 points from the low when it lost 645 points from the highs. The sub-prime issue has effected more than rest of the world. Is there any indication emerging?. The internal political turmoil is subdued but not resolved, so the markets are looking for strong commitment from the Govt.
The stocks that lost most of their value in the recent past are infrastructure & reality sector and the metals space. The power sector and the equipment manufacturers recovered all loses made during the fall, where the cement sector out-performed the rest to date from the closing of July expiry. The techs and the Bank stocks moderately recovered from the damage. The telecom giants not favoured as they used to enjoy. Till date, as the price recovery is an indication then the bulls are supporting the power and the fertiliser stocks than the media and the telecom. The Pharma and the auto are now building the bottom support and very likely that they may participate from here.

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