Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Distribute and eliminate…………..

Who will buy at higher levels?- is the question asked by many and the doubt can be answered only when some body experiences the taste of buying at the top and selling at the panic bottom and realising the situations that made/forced to do so.
“Don’t be CRAZY to chase…”, “be cautious…..,” the phrases often used but by shouting… "buy buy buying—happening every where……"..create a situation, confuse the minds of investors and make them to believe that every thing is rosy and beautiful. This is a classical effort to prepare the retail small investors to become scapegoats.

In my earlier write up cautioned the readers to think about the happenings at the bourses. The speeds at which things are happening are very new to Indian investors and are losing time, opportunity and money in the process. The game plans are designed in such a manner to eliminate the retail investor incase somebody holding good stocks at fair prices.

“The steep falls and steep rises give little time to think.”— “Stock Market” is a mind game and every step of investment shall go after through research, understanding the business and the timing of pricing the investment.
At the end of the day “Minting Money” in the “Stock Market” comes by “Buy Low- Sell High” but not by buying cheap………………

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