Monday, August 18, 2008

The TRAI move….

The rules of the game are fast changing in the telecom sector. Now the markets likely to put pressure (short-term) on the tecom stocks but it is also an opportunity as these companies are already serving the customers with their broadband services. The challenge is how fast they could gear up to meet the demand to protect their revenues and the profits that will help to improve the market capitalization.

The RIL and RPL are dragging the indices and now the sentiment is at stake. In case markets fail to cross the 4495-4502 level by this weekend could be accepted as the markets likely to go below the 4000 level. In case the ONGC, SBI, BHEL and LT come to the rescue of the struggling bulls then the up move become easy as the sagging RIL pack may give member ship to RCOM and Bharti in their group.

The metal counters especially the ferrous sector got huge potential to out-perform in the coming 2009 calendar year along with the Sugar sector. The undisputed out performer of 2009 will be the sugar stocks right from Oct-08. This quarter will open doors for investments in Sugar industry, the second best could be in nuclear action. The next quarter may offer investments in gas, especially from RIL and the power equipment. The 2009 will see great opening in insurance sector after June-09. The Govt is serious in maintaining the pace in reforms that can attract huge investments in India, rapid economic growth that will become the best instrument to counter the higher level of inflation at this point in time. So the indiscriminate sell off in the Indian stocks for a throw away price can never be seen over next 3-5 years. The long-term investments with “accumulation concept” are the best way to tackle the current crisis.

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The STOCK-TRADING is a “Skill-FULL Job”. NEVER blame others for the LOSS/DEALS.
Never Forget: I may be wrong, You may be wrong but markets always RIGHT

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