Sunday, September 21, 2008

The worst or bad…..

The financial markets worst may be over but the bad news continues to flow as days pass by. The markets surprisingly closed in positive note on week on week basis. The Monday to Friday turmoil is strictly specified to US and we swing in tune as we are associated.
The Nifty though touched a low of 3800 level but did not trade but took the advantage of buying at the bottom to scale up to 4300 level. This clearly suggests that the markets have some strength given the conditions.
The US turmoil will affect the software companies by 4-6 months but opened the doors of opportunities for next 3-4 years. This advantage will be used by the big tags.
The best opportunity once existed in the retail and office spaces, the real estate markets in India will take longer time than estimated and the days ahead are boom to doom. The billionaires club may replace the names of Indians in this sector with the owners of alternative energy and commodity traders in steel, copper and aluminum.
The new wealth creators likely to emerge from the companies engaged in Natural resources exploration be it oil, gas, mining of coal, copper, iron ore and those engaged in trading of these resources. The companies engaged in infrastructure development now in pipe line construction for gas transportation and city gas distribution, the port and air port construction companies will benefit the most in India.

Never Forget: I may be wrong, You may be wrong but markets always RIGHT.

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