Sunday, October 26, 2008

The strength of FIIs………

The financial strength of FIIs was shown on the Dalal Street for the last 20 trading sessions. The bloggers, the analysts and the domestic fund managers are kept on telling that there is nothing wrong with our economy. The need of the hour and the fact at this point in time is the global sentiment and the price erosion. The stock prices will take their course based on the fundamental strength of the economy and the ability to tap the available resource by the corporate sector.

The technicals can be collaborated after the mayhem but very few can tell the exact extent and the length of time to complete a cycle of buying or selling. Like the natural disaster which can be sensed, predicted but cannot be controlled, the same way the stock market movement that based on the instant psychology of the market participants. It cannot be controlled but can be discussed and argued after wards. The best thing is to avert the damage is kept away from it.

The cracking signs are known to many, when the Nifty breached the 4200 level one can get out of the delivery one more chance when the Nifty fallen below 3930-3860 level. Now many investors were trapped and eager to sell now, a situation known to many and willing to take a call to exit but the opportunity is closed.

The Stock market investment is nothing but prudent thinking and quick decision making but not confused hasty management of the worsen situation.


Anonymous said...

Did intradayking also told u in the last 20 days, that every thing is right with our economy and our stock markets.When the boy called wolf thrice , the third time the wolf really came.When intraday king called crash for a third time you should have taken that for granted.