Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The HNI’s are wakeful…..

In my earlier article posted two days back mentioned about the possible bottom out of the Indian indices. The correction in the stock prices will of sector/ stock specific. The fall below 2500 will be an opportunity to build portfolio in the emerging sectors than can offer decent returns over next two years. Today……..
The BusinessLine (Wed, 26Nov.08) covered in it Market Watch page-11 titled ‘Investors should prepare for recovery trades’ Citi bailout could mark end of decline: JP Morgan, Bloomberg, Nov,25 ….Citigroup Inc’s rescue package by the US government may be the spur that ends declines in equity markets and investors should be “positioned for recovery trades” JP Morgan chase & co said. With valuations low and risk aversion high, Mr Adrian Mowat, JP Morgan,s Chief asia and emerging market strategist, said he believes “ most of the selling has been done”……..

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