Tuesday, January 05, 2010


The recent rally from 4950 to 5280 - The commodity stocks are rocking the street, first the ferrous metals later followed by base metals and after some time lag the Sugar and Tea enjoyed the bulls support.

The auto sector has got tremendous investor support especially in TATAMOTORS and M&M despite the recessionary investment postponements in other sectors but not in the transport vehicles. The auto exports are increasing from India and continue to do so in future but not the prices of these stocks any longer.

The immediate prospects on banking are emerging. The stocks like SBI, ICICI and Relcap likely to catch up with market trend for sure but not at all good for holding more than two weeks....

As a matter of fact Nifty in strong bull grip but being used to off-load....wait for the future and see in the past.....

1 comment:

Mohan Muppaneni said...

DR ji every bit you mentioned today worked out. Great job