Friday, July 13, 2012


Five ways to deal with an incompetent team leader

There are very few things at work worse than having to deal with an incompetent boss. But if you do, then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.

Start on a positive note No one wishes to be an incompetent or a bad boss intentionally. Says Makarand Khatavkar, MD & HR head for Deutsche Bank Group, India: "To begin with, try changing how you define a problem: if you define the problem as a person and not as a behaviour to be changed, you create an emotional impasse and close all doors to improving the situation."

People cannot change who they are but almost anyone can change the way they act. If you internalise this principle, you can deal with anyone, he says.
Give support to your boss
Are you doing anything that is aggravating the problem? All managers are humans and are prone to human fallacies and they do need support of competent staff. "Generally speaking, most bosses are aware of their weak spots but may feel awkward to ask for help. 
If you recognize your boss' limitations and support him in overcoming his challenges through your skills, knowledge and judgement, you will be valuable to your boss and gain a lot," advises Khatavkar.
Get things in black and white When you're dealing with an incompetent boss, it's good to opt for the formal communication route. Such bosses tend to impose their faults on others. So the best way to protect yourself is to communicate in writing, for instance over email. 

That way, it's on official record. "You need to have your safeguards inbuilt so you are not made a scapegoat," warns Symbiosis Management Consultants CEO Vinay Grover.
Remember the context Very often, problematic behaviour triggers issues that we are sensitive to and provoke unhelpful reactions subconsciously. This means you cannot put the blame entirely on the incompetent boss. Says Khatavkar: "Contextual factors play a major role in your boss' performance. 

Most importantly, do not make judgement about your boss based on what you know-you might be blissfully unaware of organisational realities and dynamics that your boss may never speak about. Please incorporate this X-factor before forming any opinion."

Adjust to the situationIf nothing else, just lie low and adjust to the situation. "Make adjustments according to your boss' style to achieve organisational goals," says Vinay Grover. Figure out just what it is you have to deal with and work out your own coping tactics till the time you are ready to leave.

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