Thursday, August 02, 2007

The hope survives with global green!

The global green makes us happy as the carnage made many surprised and the pull back can bring/hold the retail investors in the market.
There is no need to get panic unless a trader who lives on the ruminants. The trades create volumes and volatility grind the sweat, where as the investor let the blood to flow on the streets in these times.
It is clearly a buying opportunity to an investor but as a matter of fact most retail investor buy at the top/high and sell at the bottom blaming the market as it has done the unrecoverable loss. Instead if the investor buys after a considerable fall and incase of further fall it is always good that averaging can help the most.
Now the markets take two to three days to settle. The reality and banks under perform. The power, energy and telecom sectors outperform in the next leg of up move.

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