Thursday, August 09, 2007

No Longer a Haven for Retail Investors?

The markets are no longer a haven for retail investors in these conditions as the volatility has increased considerably. The FIIs and Mutual funds are violent in dealing with the markets that to with the retail participants. The truth is to make the retail investors to opt for the mutual fund route. This enables them to “live and let live” approach. But the traders have no option but to live or die, where as the swing traders swing more in the evenings than with the market movement.
The free calls, paid calls, TV channels, the blogs (like me) and the cell phone intra day calls are to make the liquidity enough in the market so that the operators can enter and exit easily. So “who will save the retail investor?” is the question at this point in time. The answer is ………
No person works for the other person to become rich that to in the stock market it will never happen. Unfortunately there are very few PARTICIPANTS who seriously try to understand the “Rules of the Game” but participate on the tips to make money easily that never happen at the end of the day. The stock market is a fierce battlefield where every body is a “WANTED” and wants to FOOL the other person to make enough profits.
Those persons who comprise the ability to analyse the economy and the performance of the company can make profits in the medium to long-term period. The market movement is always in line with the company’s performance on the longer run but the fluctuations are due to the traders and the calls created demand and supply.

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