Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The efforts to make-up….

The markets in India are undoubtedly out-performing the rest, especially in the emerging markets. The US financial sector turmoil making the global equities to accept the carry forward effect falls in tune with that effect. The tails spin movement of the equities eroding the trader’s net worth by triggering the stop losses. The likely wood of the bail out of Merrill Lynch in US has eaten away the BOA capitalization and no takers for Lehman Brothers are a serious concern to the global markets.

If we start recollecting the series of happing right from the first signs of Sub-prime issue surfaced in July-aug-07, the investment Gurus like Buffet has warned the serious consequences of the Sub-prime as it is was compared with a sleeping volcano.

Back to home the out look for the BPO & software services has become bleak to dark. The opportunity may arise only after April-June-09. The Investment in reality sector will be badly affected as the fund inflow will be drastically reduced.

The only hope that can survive our markets is the self sufficient infra development investments from the Govt and a little bit support from the ADB loan and World Bank. The promising sectors for at these crises are Power including the Nuclear power, Pharma & CRAMS and the ever green FMCG. The falling rupee can save our export oriented cotton, ready-mades and the tea sector.

Never Forget: I may be wrong, You may be wrong but markets always RIGHT.

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