Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just to remind u…

The effort is to make you understand the in built positions that accumulates over a peroid of time for a big move on a later day.......
In my previous postings I discussed as......
The roller coaster…. The Nifty has support first support at 4449 and at 4421-16 level which is crucial and the markets shell not get any supply of shorts at this level. If Nifty could trade above 4481-3 level is a bullish sign but the high had to be crossed the minor resistance at 4505-08 level for this day.

The alliances & offers ……..The Nifty has good support at 4320 and even a better support at 4280 level. The Nifty shall open with a gap of 45 points above 4395-97 level and the high has to be crossed the first resistance at 4415-20 level. I think that this resistance will be crossed with out much pain unless there is huge fall in the Asian stocks.

The real challenge for Nifty is to trade above 4450-55 level to threaten the bears to cover their shorts. I think the retail investors will cover at 4450 level but the HNIs and deep pockets may wait and watch the 4523-29 level is decisively crossed.

DOUBTS REMAINED……The Indian markets moved up but left as debris of doubts while moving in such haste. The Bulls took the short-term advantage to make the retail shorts are covered in fear triggered further rally in Friday trades. The crude sliding from the important support level is a welcome sign as it would offer us to reduce the external fiscal burden due to oil imports. The India’s economy may stay for a while with out generating further fear of slow down in our growth.

The creeping uncertainties….The Nifty has to cross and trade above 4539-41 level to continue the up move to become a trend in the coming days. The Nifty has bottom support at 4449-51 level as first support and the better one at 4421-19 level. This can be achieved only when the RIL trades above 2220 level and the high shall cross the serious resistance at 2265 level. The ONGC is in better place good above 1065 level, so today it won’t considerably fall below that level.

The Wall crumbles…The Infy may manage to float above the support at 1640 level and may shuttle between 1770-1640 range till the second quarter results. In case Infy close & trades below the 1690 level and the Satyam trades below 409-06 support level could become the first signs of cracking in the IT stocks.

The consolidation move………The regular readers will observe the RIL strong above 2220 level and weak below 2193 level which was nose dived during the early trade to 2146 level.

Never Forget: I may be wrong, You may be wrong but markets always RIGHT.

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