Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Projections & Targets…..

The technical analysts try to provide the targets for both the Index and for the selected stocks. They offer normally to retail investors much later than they were circulated among the dedicated. The beautiful projections enable the retail investor to go for loans and the threats of further fall forces them to liquidate their positions in distress.

These unfortunate situations always happen on both the extremes of the stock market movements. The seasoned investors are also prey to these kinds of statements because of the GREED & FEAR. I request the investors to refrain from these kinds of emotional swings while investing and exiting.

Those who look for a multi-bagger opportunity, the markets are now opening the doors. Instead of investing at the fag end of the rally and go bust in down turn, it is prudent to provide some time to conduct research to identify the sectors that out perform the Index in future. In case you need to get some guidance over the sectoral out performance and promising sector of tomorrow please go to the older posts.

The economic conditions have changed but the bright future for the growth sectors are in tact. So it is very important to invest & maintain in stock from a promising sector portfolio to make a Multibagger rather than simply picking a stock from the lot.

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