Monday, October 08, 2012


The markets are built with good long open positions as the run-up in the markets are quite strong. The Nifty is strongly holding above 5650 and trading near to the highs at 5800. The Friday freak trade has given good opportunity to bears to crush the markets down but that has not materialized.
The bear can have edge only below 5650 can bulls also may allow this run upto 5480-5440 level. The results of this Sep-12 quarter will decide the future course of Nifty, as well the elections in USA will also add and our local election in Dec will add more to the volatility.   
The markets are right now in strong BULL grip because many offerings are being tabled by the center  There is life only when govt. continues to open for reforms and market friendly policies. The political uncertainty and more scams will dampen the run that was initiated with the opening of mores reforms. As the campaign for Gujarat elections coming and the new headlines are filled with allegations and counter allegations opening for more SCAMs could become a road block for NIFTY to cross 5935.
The stocks are holding above the support levels. As the weakest of yesterday stock like BHEL is now trading above 260 level. As I mentioned in my previous postings that the markets will be in FULL BULL grip once this stock trades above 232 level. Now the stock has a potential to go upto 293 level. In case BHEL trades below 241-239 level, unwind all the long positions and 50% of the investment holdings.
The Nifty took the recent upward journey from 4850 levels from June-12 where as Jan-12 low is at 4590 level. The first leg took a steep rise from 4600 level 5620 level. It again fell from that level to 4850 level, a low but again took the up move to this 5815 level. The journey may not take in jumps but will creep up.
The banks are for RBI rate cut at the review on 30th Sep-12. The ICICI bank will touch Rs 1015-18, may resume up-move. 

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